You do not have to know the Alberta Student number of your child. We will look that up for you.
The name of the resident school board is the public school division that is located where you live (#11).
The name of the education program you are going to use is Peace Home Learning Connection (there is no question related to this).
The question about who is going to be administering the program (#14) is a question only for people who are using another family's homeschool or an outside teacher to provide programming. It is not PRSD or any of our facilitators.
The question regarding assistance in setting up the program (#13): if you check yes you are NOT giving up any responsibility or control over your child's education. This is just an administrative question that lets us know how much time to book for your first home visit.
The French language question is completely up to you. You can check either box. Our home education program does not have a lot of access to French programming and you would have to find it yourself if you are a parent directed home educator.
In Part B you are asked which program you choose. Please check only ONE. If you choose the first one, you are required to teach ALL the outcomes in the Alberta program of studies. If you check the second box, you are required to teach from the home education regulations. The second option is more flexible.
The last part of the form states that your child will not receive a diploma if you are doing a parent directed program. This is only true if you choose to continue past grade 9. Grade 10 and up are the grades where students collect credits for highschool graduation.